Privacy Notice, Data Protection & GDPR

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This page will explain what data we capture and what we do with it.

The Art Bee is just me as a sole trader enterprise with assistance from my lovely husband with experience in IT systems and implementation of CRM systems such as Salesforce and Sugar CRM. So while the Art Bee is a much simpler enterprise we still need to be clear on what data we get and what we do with it…
So here it is:

From our Contact Form we will capture name & email, plus your message of course. Submissions are stored within our database and email programme.

From The Art Bee Club Registration Form we capture the adult’s name, phone number, what school club the registration is for, the child’s name, year group and class name. Finally any other info you wish to, or not, as free text. We are required to register children into the club so we use the names for that and we pass the names (and possibly year group and class name) onto each school in the form of a list to the school office so that they know which child to send to the club. We also need to have emergency contact info any medical information that will be important for us to know (asthma, allergies .etc).

Retention Period Our current process is that we hold the data mentioned above until the child is no longer at the Art Bee Club age. This makes it easy if people want to skip a term and we already have them on file to re-join.

Photographs We may use a self portrait headshot photographs, or other style of photograph, of children in the club, these may be printed and then be deleted (and not stored anywhere).
The physical photograph will be used by that child for a specific lesson (say perspective, or self portrait as an example) and you can keep the print afterwards. It’s just been a nice way to do self portraits tied in with how to proportion a face for example.

More Photographs… Let’s be honest, there aren’t many photos on the website which ain’t great for an art business! So we may take photographs during a club to use for promotional and advertising purposes. These will not contain any identifiable features but we will ask the adult if any such photo is to be used and maybe borderline – if we can tell who it is to ask!

Other sales data is not personal in nature just quantity of product code sold.

We do retain contact details for other business partners and prospects in our database.

And thats it…

  • We hold no ‘sensitive data’ (religious, ethnicity, financial).
  • Our only ‘mailing list’ is for the club you already joined.
  • The Art Bee Club is marketed by the schools in which we operate.


The payment process is via bank transfer or a Monzo payment URL: Monzo payment request.

Data Access Request

If you wish to see what data we have for you please use the Contact Form and ask for a ‘Data Access Request‘ specifying your request clearly.

Also just ask us and we can remove everything we hold for you. This is your ‘right to be forgotten‘.



Our Policy for Data Protection and GDPR is a result of research from other work projects and resources such as those linked below, if you fancy a read: