Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By submitting The Art Bee Club Registration Form
You & The Art Bee agree to the following terms and conditions:

These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

By registering for, or having a place in The Art Bee Club you therefore agree to these terms regardless of any prior version or changes made since registering.


Your place in the club or on the reserve list is yours until you no longer need it.

The Art Bee will secure your place if space is available or, we will add your child to the reserve list if a club is full. Both will be confirmed to you via email.

We will keep you on the reserve list, no need to re-submit the form each half term.
We aim to email upcoming payment info and dates prior to the next half term.


Payment before the half term begins

I agree to pay the full amount due for the next half term before the first session of the half term.

I understand that The Art Bee are holding my place secure for me and cannot refund any weeks that my child has missed, regardless of the reason.


Overdue payments will incur additional costs.

⚠️ These costs will increase at half a session cost per each unpaid session, attended or not. This will help towards the costs involved of chasing late payments and aims to prevent wasted places as the clubs are extremely popular.

⚾️ After 3 unpaid sessions we reserve the right to offer the place to the next on the reserve list.

πŸ’Έ Let us know if there is any payment issue, we promise to help if we can.


Collection after the club

I will collect my child promptly from the club, and agree to pay any late collection fees levied by the Art Bee due to my late pickup.


Late Payments

We do hope to avoid charging late collection fees but will apply them if required.

We are both Mums of young children and we understand!
Let us know if you are running late…

If we incur charges from our own child care arrangements then we will pass these on to you if the reason for our fees relates to your late collections.

We will also add a late collection fee for repeatedly late collections.
The amount will be worked out in 15 minute blocks at half a session cost per each 15 minute block started.

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Notice Period

One Full Half-Term Notice Period
Letting us know you no longer need your place in advance

Read a Post about this change here

When I no longer need my place I will inform The Art Bee one full half term in advance.

⚠️ I agree that if I fail to inform The Art Bee that I longer need a place that I will pay for the full half-term, wether attended or not.

⚠️ If I have a secured place and no longer need it I agree that I will pay the full half term even if my child cannot attend the sessions.

⚠️ I understand that it is not an option to simply leave the club without giving the prior notice stated.

I also understand that my place is being securely held for me and planning and resourcing takes place based off known attendance numbers. Failing to give notice is also unfair on Art Bees on the reserve list, not giving them time to plan ahead for potentially joining the club in my place.


We do ask that you please let us know as soon as you no longer need your place.
We have many eager young Art Bees waiting for a space and an empty place is a waste.


If we are unable to run a club

If The Art Bee is unable to run a club for any reason then we will endeavor to credit a session back to you in a following term where possible. This will be in the form of a discount on the next half terms payment, but is subject to The Art Bee discretion. The Art Bee decision will be final.

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We promise that we are passionate, experienced and on a mission to ignite creativity. The feedback we receive keeps us motivated that we are having the impact we set out to achieve…

These T&C’s are designed to help us focus on what we love to do for your children, for our ‘Art Bees’, and we thank you for reading.

Emily & Emma


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To the Registration form, if we haven’t put you of entirely with all the T&S’s 🀭

When to book and when not to book The Art Bee Club,
And when we will refuse a place.

Our mission is to ignite creativity and get all of our Art Bees being hands on with art and design, we will nurture all our Art Bees to the best of our abilities. We know from experience the benefits art and crafts can have for all people and children, especially where other difficulties may exist, art can bring focus, relaxation, time to think.

Please do not book The Art Bee Club just ‘for childcare’.
In our experience this is not a great result for your child who will be in a club of no interest to them, with club mates who are enjoying the activities which they have no interest in. This is disruptive and unfair for everyone.

If your child loves art – they most definitely should attend!
This is nothing to do with ability. Everyone is welcome and will be helped along their own creative journey to the best of our abilities.

If we find ourselves unable to dedicate enough time to children who are repeatedly disruptive in the club we will respectfully ask that you find alternative arrangements for your child’s after school club. We will refund any outstanding sessions and offer the place to the next on the reserve list.

Likewise, we hope to be told if a place is not suitable for your child or they are not enjoying their time with us; please tell us, we are very experienced class teachers and we may be able to help.

For whatever the reason though, if you no longer need your place please let us know as soon as you can.

Our very best regards,

The Art Bee

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To the Registration form, if we still haven’t put you of entirely 🀭