The Art Bee Club

First time here? See these useful links below before you book:

About – The Art Bee Club

Our world has changed and our health, wellbeing and time has never felt more precious.

❤️ In the Art Bee Club there is no right or wrong.
We remove the pressure to be perfect. Children will explore colour, texture and pattern while learning and experimenting with pencil, pen, paint, pastel and mixed media.

🎓 Both myself (Emily) and Emma are qualified teachers with many years experience in primary education and we are fully insured, DBS Enhanced checked, safeguarding trained and Daisy Platinum+ First Aid Paediatric Level 3 Certified.

Emma    🐝     Emily

I founded The Art Bee after my daughter arrived and the switch to part time class teacher seemed to be full time hours! I knew I could serve everyone better by focusing on art and The Art Bee was born.

The Art Bee Club quickly became the most popular service I offered and I am blown away by all the amazing feedback from parents and the creativity of the children!

Emma then joined from working as a class teacher while her son was young and it was a perfect match bringing Emma’s wealth of expertise in Design Technology to compliment mine in Art, expanding the variety of projects, techniques and skills we can offer the children.

Our goal is for children to enjoy being hands on with art and craft. To be confident expressing themselves through art, broadening their creative thinking… all while having fun!

If you wish to enquire about a club or find out how we can help you with our other services, or just to ask me anything at all, please follow the link to the contact form which will message me directly, I will reply as soon as I can via email.

Thank you

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Art Bee Club
Latest School Updates


Choose your school logo to see specific info to your school to see specific info for your club.

Submit the form below to register for your Art Bee Club Place.

If there is an available place we will offer it to you straight away – you can usually join in the next session if there is a spare place.

If the club is full we will automatically add you onto the reserve list. Places do become available due to changing circumstances for current Art Bees, and especially between terms.

We will email confirmation in both cases. So please ensure you enter your correct email addrss in the Registration Form linked below!

So register now for a place in
The Art Bee Club!

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The Art Bee Club
How to Book

  1. Please complete the Registration Form.
    This is the ONLY way you can book into a club.
    It adds the data you provide into the booking system.
    • Ensure you provide the correct email adresss to avoid delays or missing a place.
    • You will see a successful form submission message after submitting. Note in that message our email address to add to your safe senders.
    • We will also email confirmation of your submitted info.
    • You have to agree to the T&C’s – so please do read them.
      You are agreeing to provide one-full-half-terms-notice if you no longer need your secured place.
  2. We will email your place confirmation as soon as we can.
    *Please allow a few days for this, we are only a small business.
    Sometimes our reply could take couple of weeks.
    • If a place is avialable we will get in touch ASAP.
    • If the the club is full we will put you on the reserve list and email you confirmation of that.If no place is available the reserve list email may take longer to arrive.
    • We email payment and dates information nearer to the first session of the next half term.
    • Payment is via bank transfer only and is to be paid prior to the first session of the half term – Do not bring cash and also please do not try to pay the school office.

  • More than one young Artist to register?
    • Please fill in one form submission for each of your Art Bees, thank you.
    • You can pay for both in one payment (bank transfer).
    • We will try to offer 2 (or however many) places wherever we can.

  • Pupil Premium Funding?
    • You MUST have confirmed with your school office that your place can be funded and for how long the funding will last.
    • You MUST also Please add a note about PP funding in the additional message box within the registration form.
    • Same rules apply – register and we will add you to the list in order, as above. PP funded places are the same as other places.
    • We are fully setup to handle the PP payments with the schools and the trusts.

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The Art Bee Club

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More than one young Artist?

JPlease fill in the registration once for each of your Art Bees. Thank you

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What if the Club is full?

In the event that the club is full we will put you on the reserve list and email you back to confirm this.

We will let you know asap if a space becomes available, on fcfs basis.

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How long do clubs run for?

Clubs run half termly. So about 5, 6 or 7 sessions per club depending on the length of the term and your schools other commitments.

Clubs start after school and end at 4:30pm.

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Adult picking up & Late collections?

The adult contact details in the form will serve as contact info for us to use in event of emergency or late pickup.

Please also use the message box to add any extra info for when other people may be collecting your Art Bee from the club, or just email or message Emily if the pickup person changes, prior to the club starting.

Late Collections

As per the terms and conditions (on the booking form page) you agree to pay any late collection fees to The Art Bee as charged. We hope to avoid this… If we incur additional costs from our own childcare arrangements due to your late collection then we will pass this cost onto you.

Emily and Emma are both mums who also needs to dash away after running each club to collect their own children ~ so she knows what it is like from both sides.

We get it – a once in a while occasion we will hope not to not charge. But repeated late collections will incur a fee.

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Rebooking the following term?

No need. If you have a place then that place is yours until you no longer need it. Just please do let us know if you no longer need it so we can offer the place to our reserve lists – Thank you.

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How do I Cancel my place, I no longer need it?

To tell us you no longer need your place please use the contact form, or emailing Emily… or just chat to us at pickup. We will be very sad to see you go 😢

…but it will mean another young Art Bee can be offered the place… So thank you for letting us know 🙏

Please note that as of January 2023 we will be moving to a model of giving one half terms notice.

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What should my child wear to the club?

We initially used to request The Art Bees attend the club with a loose baggy old t-shirt to wear. However this naturally declined as it became one of those extra things a parent needed to remember.

You are welcome to pack your child with an old loose fitting t-shirt if you wish, or an apron if they have one…

We haven’t really ever made enough money to purchase aprons or t-shirts but I would love one day to be able to provide Art Bee Aprons and it was another idea which covid put a hold on.

So watch this space…

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Question not here?
Please ask us via the Contact Form, thank you

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